# Fast Replace This is a testing repo to try and find out what is the fastest way to search and replace a test file. ## The rules are simple All tests must contain 3 programs: ### A key value generator (called pairs) Generate a key/value list where the key is the search value and the value is the replace value. Call the generated file `pairs.csv`. ### A random file generator (called corpus) A program that can generate a file with random data mixed with the keys of your previous set. Call the random ordered file `corpus.csv`. ### A random order replacer (called replace) - Load the `pairs.csv` file and `corpus.csv`. - Next start a benchmark. - Perform replacements and output to a file called `replaced.csv`. - Stop the benchamark. ## Conclusions Add a `README.md` to the base of your test file to explain the usage of your programs and expose your conclusions.